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Taking TIPS (Training for Intervention Procedures) course. Worth it?

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This is my first year as a bartender and I'm taking some classes to learn about the spirits, history, technique, cocktails, etc. The institute that's offering the classes is offering a discount on the TIPS course that's being giving for the first time here in Puerto Rico. Has anyone taken it? Is it worth it? Will it help?

Thank you in advance!

Top Comment:

Not sure how it works in PR, but in most states in the US, the tips cert can be done online for like $30. Its also the only really good thing you'll get from a bartending class. If you could skip out on the class and just get the cert, do that. There are plenty of places here where the being tips certified is the difference between whether or not you get hired. Its almost entirely common sense test.

August 31, 2017 | Forum: r/bartenders

What are some of your lesser known tips and tricks?

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Here are some that I know of:

  • You can add some cool customization to your loadout names by using special formatting. How to do this is on this post Here. You can also use this on Note Beacons to jazz up your dojo.
  • When starting a mission on the start chart you can press the pause button at the top left to enter matchmaking to guarantee you get teammates
  • There is one spot on Orb Vallis with a river that flows into a dead end, which piles up a massive amount of fish to easily catch
  • Ivara's dashwire can be put over a pond for easy fishing. You can even go partially into the water with it.
  • You can hold down void sling to go farther
  • Companion abilities can proc archon mods. Main use is Archon Stretch with Diriga's Arc Coil to give constant evergy regen
  • You can max Simaris standing in one zariman extermination bounty by stealth scanning enemies
  • Kuva/Tenet progenitors are base damage increases, not modded elemental. This means a magnetic Nukor will do the same heat proc damage as a heat Nukor

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During the vay hek bossfight on earth you dont need to kill him in the actual map. Just rush to his final boss room.

4 days ago | Forum: r/Warframe